Pacific Maritime Group was tasked by the USS Midway Museum to handle some very precious and historic aircraft. As onlookers watched, including several news crews, the mighty floating crane DB Pacific delicately offloaded an A-3…
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Kid Cudi Album Promotion
Kid Cudi was promoting his new album, ‘Insano,’ and statues of him, measuring over 30 feet tall, have popped up in Paris, New York, and Long Beach. If you looked out toward the coastline, you’d…
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HMS Surprise
The HMS Surprise returned to its dock at the Maritime Museum of San Diego after a lengthy repair back in June, finally at home where it belongs. When dealing with such an intricate and unique…
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Rockwads for Sacramento Salmon
In February 2023, Pacific Tugboats completed a project in Redding aimed at improving the survival chances of young salmon and trout in the upper Sacramento River. The project involved the placement of “rockwads,” made of…
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Re-Power A.N. Tillett
A.N. Tillett, formerly Northern Mariner was last re-powered and renamed in 2007. The major refit included installation of Kort nozzles with an integral triple-vane rudder system, two new Caterpillar Tier 2 engines, two new generators,…
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Yard Movements
The Pacific Maritime Group Long Beach yard is proud of performing varied and colorful projects. The Dutra Group, one of PMG’s partners in many projects, recently completed a construction project in Long Beach Harbor. They…
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Re-Power Harbor Commander
The 36-foot tug HARBOR COMMANDER is owned by Pacific Maritime Group, Inc and was re-powered in 2021 with two new CARB certified, Mitsubishi S6A3-Y3MPTK-4 Tier 3 engines. The engines were provided by Cascade Engine Center…
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Vandenberg Airforce Base
PMG was entrusted by our Customer to perform on a high profile and mission critical project. Over a period of thirty days, our tug J.M. Hidalgo assisted the barge “Rocket Ship” into Vandenberg Landing. The…
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San Salvador Launch
Pacific Tugboat Service and the San Diego Maritime Museum go way back, so when the Museum hand-built a replica of the historic San Salvador, it faced a centuries old challenge, getting her into the water!…
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Sea Hunter Delivery
The Navy’s first autonomous ocean-going vessel was delivered from the Pacific Northwest to San Diego via the ocean barge PTS-270 and was offloaded and launched by the PTS crane barge DB San Diego at Tenth…
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