Pacific Maritime Group was tasked by the USS Midway Museum to handle some very precious and historic aircraft. As onlookers watched, including several news crews, the mighty floating crane DB Pacific delicately offloaded an A-3 Skywarrior from the Midway’s flight deck and replaced it with an F7U Cutlass. On loan from the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, this F7U Cutlass is one of the rarest jet fighters in the world. Lifting and exchanging these two aircraft required precision and delicate procedural work from our experienced teams. Our DB Pacific, a Heavy Lift Offshore Derrick Barge, provided the height and reach to perform the precision lifting and placement required. With coordination from the crew of the USS Midway Museum and our “Top Gun” crane operators Mike McAndrew and Mike Parmelee, these priceless artifacts of military history were transferred safely and successfully.