The Pacific Maritime Group Long Beach yard is proud of performing varied and colorful projects. The Dutra Group, one of PMG’s partners in many projects, recently completed a construction project in Long Beach Harbor. They had rented a large crane from Bigge Crane to place aboard Dutra’s barge MORTY and at the end of the project the crane was to be returned to Bigge. Pacific Tugboats used the S.BASS to shift the MORTY to the PMG Long Beach yard at Berth C-58 where plates were put across from shore to the barge and, when the tide was right, the Crane tracked ashore.
The Crane then worked to de-mobilize the MORTY for a return to Rio Vista. Lastly, the Crane was disassembled and loaded onto trucks for its return to Bigge. What was left was a clean, empty yard and a strong sense of satisfaction. Well done all, and thanks to Robin Adair for this footage.