I wanted to take a moment to commend your crews for their perpetual professionalism as they facilitate our safe boarding onto oil tankers while offshore.
Your Captain’s always make sure the approach is safe, that an adequate lee is created and the accommodation ladder arrangement is sound. When things are not quite right – they work directly with the ship to make sure things are corrected! We have never been put into an awkward/unsafe position because of each Captain and their genuine concern for our safety.
Further, the deckhands help us board by stabilizing the ladder and more importantly when we are climbing down, they loudly count out the steps so we know we are getting close to the launch – they are awesome!
As the direct supervisor of the USCG teams that rely on PAC TUG for safe transit/transfer offshore, I wanted you to hear from me directly how great of a job your captains and deckhands are doing in keeping us safe!